Messages with tag - Jesus,

Sun, Jan 21, 2024
Series: Galatians
Duration: 46 mins 51 secs
The most important question every person will ever answer is from Jesus, "Who do you say that I am?" (Mt 16:15). This concerns the gospel, and Paul is very concerned that we get it right.
Sun, Jul 31, 2022
Passage: Hebrews 3:1-6
Series: Hebrews
Duration: 34 mins 47 secs
The author of Hebrews has shown that the Son of Man is equal to God; then he demonstrated the superiority of the Son of Man over the angels and identified the Messiah with God. Now in this passage he shows that the Messiah, Jesus, is greater than the highly acclaimed Moses.
Wed, Oct 21, 2020
Passage: Mark 15:1-15
Series: Mark
Duration: 56 mins 12 secs
Many of us are familiar with the so-called trial of Jesus by the ruling elites in Jerusalem, and the Romans. In this study, I offer a different perspective. Consider the true identity of the accused, as the Perfection of Holiness.
Wed, Oct 14, 2020
Series: Mark
Duration: 52 mins 30 secs
How is it that Peter ended up denying that he even knew Jesus that fateful night? In this study we will examine the slippery slope of betrayal and denial that Peter embarked on.
Wed, Sep 23, 2020
Series: Mark
Duration: 53 mins 43 secs
After supper (Passover meal), at, or on the way to, the Mount of Olives Jesus makes a prediction of His abandonment by the disciples. He cites Zechariah. Let's look at that passage.
Wed, Aug 05, 2020
Series: Mark
Duration: 1 hr 4 mins 4 secs
We examine this passage with Matthew 23:1-22 to get the full impact of the tension between Jesus and the Scribes.
Wed, Jul 29, 2020
Series: Mark
Duration: 56 mins 8 secs
This question, and the response by Jesus, is much more involved than what some might perceive. Jesus really "knocked it out of the park" with this one. And the leaders were not happy.
Wed, Jul 22, 2020
Passage: Mark 12:13-34
Series: Mark
Duration: 54 mins 55 secs
We continue with the last few days of Jesus presenting Himself in the Temple as the perfect Sacrificial Lamb of God. Members of the the ruling class try to get Jesus "on the ropes", but soon they regret it. Jesus proves to be more than a match.
Sun, Jun 28, 2020
Duration: 47 mins 53 secs
Before Paul addresses the concerns in the letters he received from Corinth, he pauses to refresh their memory of all the good they had received from God.
Wed, Jun 24, 2020
Passage: Mark 11:12-21
Series: Mark
Duration: 54 mins 36 secs
Have you ever wondered why Mark "sandwiched" the cleansing of the temple between two episodes of the Fig Tree? I have. Let's explore that question.
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