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Sun, Jun 25, 2023
Series: Lamentations
Duration: 1 hr 6 mins 4 secs
In this chapter Jeremiah gives details through his second poetic dirge regarding the destruction of Jerusalem. Once known as "the city of our God", and "the joy of all the earth", and "the city of the great King" (Ps 48:1-2), now it is "swallowed up without mercy" (Lam 2:2).
Wed, Jun 21, 2023
Passage: Amos 2:1-16
Series: Amos
Duration: 50 mins 31 secs
Amos pronounces judgment on Moab, Judah, and Israel. The coming judgements on Moab and Judah are mentioned pretty briefly. The judgment on Israel will take up the rest of the book except for a brief description of the restoration of Israel at the end of the book.
Mon, Jun 19, 2023
Series: Lamentations
Duration: 1 hr 6 mins 4 secs
Lamentations is an often neglected book both in study and in reading. That's a shame. We begin this series with a brief introduction of the setting and circumstance, then dive right into the study of the first chapter.
Wed, Jun 14, 2023
Passage: Amos 1:1-15
Series: Amos
Duration: 55 mins 55 secs
Amos was not a Prophet by trade, he was an "agriculturalist", a shepherd and an orchard worker. God called him to give a message of "Doom and Gloom" to the nations around Israel, and to Judah and Israel too.
Sun, Jun 11, 2023
Series: Revelation
Duration: 41 mins 8 secs
The letter to the church in Smyrna has no rebuke, or saying against them. This letter is full of words of encouragement to persevere. The Apostle implies that God is in control, even when they are suffering.
Sun, Jun 11, 2023
Series: Hebrews
Duration: 42 mins 19 secs
In these closing remarks the Apostle encourages the church to show proper respect for their leaders and ends with a benediction and final greetings.
Wed, Jun 07, 2023
Duration: 58 mins 6 secs
What to do about the disorderly and irresponsible people in the church? Paul said they are busybodies, disrupting the lives of those who are productive in civil and church life. This is how they are to be dealt with.
Sun, Jun 04, 2023
Series: Revelation
Duration: 59 mins 10 secs
The first church of seven to receive the letters in the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ. This is an introduction to the format used for all seven letters along with the details of the letter to the Church in Ephesus.
Sun, Jun 04, 2023
Series: Hebrews
Duration: 50 mins 7 secs
"Do not be led away by diverse and strange teachings, ..." Imagine that within 30 or 40 years after the resurrection of Jesus Christ there are already "diverse and strange teachings" in the Church. We still have many of the same ones in the Church today, plus a few more. How do we recognize them? This is our topic today.
Wed, May 31, 2023
Duration: 46 mins 45 secs
Paul has one last issue he needs to address with this church. These verses are a transition from the earlier discussion into the remaining topic, and are an encouragement to the church in their perseverance against evil.
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