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Sun, Mar 12, 2023
Duration: 1 hr 3 mins 41 secs
In this study we examine the exile of Israel in Egypt and the events leading up to the Exodus. We examine the purpose of the plagues for Pharaoh and Egypt, and the purpose for Israel.
Sun, Mar 12, 2023
Series: Hebrews
Duration: 39 mins 15 secs
The children of Israel are in bondage in Egypt. Their deliverer has been born. Today we examine the circumstances of the birth and life of Moses. How did he come to have such determined faith? This is what we examine. Bonus feature, how does his situation parallel events today?
Wed, Mar 08, 2023
Duration: 54 mins 15 secs
"This is the will of God, your sanctification." This is an umbrella statement, then Paul details one aspect of this will: "that you abstain form sexual immorality." There is much more here than what a casual reading would let you know.
Sun, Mar 05, 2023
Duration: 58 mins 6 secs
The genealogies in Genesis can be interesting under the lens of history. Let's look :)
Wed, Mar 01, 2023
Duration: 52 mins 33 secs
Paul describes his joy and elation in receiving the report from Timothy. Plus a discussion about the word 'comfort' that every Christian needs to know.
Sun, Feb 26, 2023
Duration: 53 mins 25 secs
We have considered several foundational studies in the Book of Genesis, Today we wrap it up with a survey of the entire book. We look closer at a few topics of special interest to me.
Sun, Feb 26, 2023
Series: Hebrews
Duration: 52 mins 6 secs
Within these two verses the life stories of Jacob and Joseph need to be remembered. That is what we look at in this segment.
Wed, Feb 22, 2023
Duration: 49 mins 29 secs
Paul tells the Church of his concern for them, and why he sent Timothy back to check up on them. We discuss what it is to establish and exhort someone in their faith. The process of discipleship.
Sun, Feb 19, 2023
Duration: 51 mins 23 secs
Continuing in our study of the Pentateuch, the next great doctrine introduced in Genesis is The Kingdom of God. We are in a war today, the clash of two Kingdoms. The Kingdom of God is opposed to the kingdom of the Satan. This is winner take all, the fight is real. Whose side are you on?
Sun, Feb 19, 2023
Series: Hebrews
Duration: 42 mins 43 secs
Next up in this Hall of Faith Fame is Isaac. While he only gets one verse, his story is epic in our understanding of faith. Come with us as we examine the faith of this man, one of the "Fathers of Israel."
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