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Wed, Jan 18, 2023
Duration: 51 mins 11 secs
We review the founding of this church in Acts 17, and marvel, with the Apostle at the spiritual growth of this local body. We explore the reasons for the growth and development.
Sun, Jan 15, 2023
Duration: 51 mins 41 secs
Before launching into a study of a body of literature it is helpful to have some kind of syllabus, or outline. I have chosen the outline from the Pentateuch from the NIV Biblical Theology Study Bible for this study.
Sun, Jan 15, 2023
Series: Hebrews
Duration: 36 mins 32 secs
It is not just the righteous who live by faith, everyone does. These verses describe the nature of faith. The real question is, "What is the object of our faith?" Let's explore this.
Wed, Jan 11, 2023
Duration: 44 mins 34 secs
The conclusion of this study. The goal of all Bible study is not just increased knowledge, but increased piety: a life fully devoted to God. These verses help us understand how to "work it out."
Sun, Jan 08, 2023
Duration: 55 mins 37 secs
Foundations undergird all of our buildings, and they are critical to the strength and durability of the overall structure. It is not an understatement to say that the foundation of human life and relationships is the Pentateuch, the five Books of Moses.
Sun, Jan 08, 2023
Series: Hebrews
Duration: 41 mins 8 secs
In the face of impending persecution the Apostle reminds his audience of what they had suffered in the past. This is no time to go weak, but to persevere and to endure.
Wed, Jan 04, 2023
Passage: John 6:41-71
Duration: 55 mins 12 secs
The doctrine of salvation, rightly understood, is a hard doctrine. The "natural man" cannot understand spiritual things because our moral compass is not attuned toward the morality of God. After this discussion, "many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him." John 6:66.
Sun, Jan 01, 2023
Series: Hebrews
Duration: 48 mins 6 secs
Oh boy, we are at the "scary" verses. This is actually the fourth warning the author has given to the recipients of this letter. These are scary verses, but they don't have to be. Join us as we figure them out, and learn how to not fear the message of these verses.
Wed, Dec 28, 2022
Passage: John 6:28-40
Duration: 56 mins 3 secs
In our previous lesson we discussed the nature of the offense that brought the condemnation of death to the world, and the resulting depth of sin and corruption because of the offense. In this lesson we will begin to examine the correction God was bringing to the world through the Son of Man.
Sun, Dec 25, 2022
Passage: John 1:14-18
Duration: 28 mins 56 secs
The miracle of miracles, God became a Man. Once we grasp the essence of this miracle, all of the other miracles Jesus did become easier to believe. Follow along as we close out this Christmas series.
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