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Wed, Dec 21, 2022
Duration: 54 mins 55 secs
This is the first in a short series on the biblical doctrine of Salvation. In this discussion we consider the offense that makes salvation necessary, and the result of that offense in the nature of mankind.
Sun, Dec 18, 2022
Passage: Acts 28:17-31
Series: Acts
Duration: 58 mins 3 secs
This section closes what we know for sure on the life of the Apostle Paul and Luke. Les' see how it all ends.
Sun, Dec 18, 2022
Passage: John 1:4-14
Duration: 32 mins 27 secs
Continuing the Prologue, John introduces the Light. Last week we learned about the Logos, this week we learn the significance of the Light.
Wed, Dec 14, 2022
Passage: Micah 7:10-20
Series: Micah
Duration: 59 mins 18 secs
This closing portion of the Prophecy is all good news. The city of Jerusalem will be reestablished, and the people of God, now constituted from all the nations, will be built up and established while the enemies of God will be destroyed.
Sun, Dec 11, 2022
Series: Acts
Duration: 45 mins 21 secs
"Men, you should have listened to me ..." God told Paul that he would testify about Him in Rome, and to Caesar. But the way to Rome was paved with difficulty, even across the Mediterranean Sea. This portion of Scripture chronicles that journey.
Sun, Dec 11, 2022
Passage: John 1:1-3
Duration: 39 mins 19 secs
These three sermons leading up to Christmas will explore an introduction to the mystery of the Person of Jesus Christ. I will try to pull together biblical as wells some extra-biblical sources to develop a well-thought-out examination of the necessity of the Christ.
Wed, Dec 07, 2022
Passage: Micah 7:1-9
Series: Micah
Duration: 1 hr 0 mins 27 secs
"The godly have perished from the earth." have you ever wondered what it is like to live under ungodly rulers? Rulers who take bribes, collude together for their own enrichment at great cost to the people? Here is a description of the evil days of Israel before God sent judgment on them.
Sun, Dec 04, 2022
Series: Acts
Duration: 1 hr 0 mins 9 secs
Paul is not only a master of Theology, he has an acute knowledge of Roman law and procedure. In this episode he maneuvers the court to get him to Rome in fulfillment of the declaration of Jesus in Acts 23:11. It is amusing to watch him manipulate the courts in his favor.
Sun, Dec 04, 2022
Series: Hebrews
Duration: 36 mins 35 secs
With this passage the author begins the practical portion of the letter. First, we need to understand that because of Christ we now have confidence to enter the holy places, to enter the presence of God. Nothing in Judaism can prepare a person for this privilege.
Wed, Nov 30, 2022
Passage: Micah 6:1-16
Series: Micah
Duration: 54 mins 5 secs
In the midst of gross national sin and immorality, not unlike what we see in our world today, the question is asked, "What do I have to do to please the Lord?" The answer is surprisingly simple, but astonishingly difficult.
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