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Sun, Dec 05, 2021
Duration: 42 mins 47 secs
In his closing remarks Paul does not go easy on the church, neither does he cut them any slack. It is either repent of your foolish ways, or test yourselves to see if you truly are a disciple of the Christ. In other words, clean up the mess that is your life.
Wed, Dec 01, 2021
Series: Colossians
Duration: 1 hr 3 mins 18 secs
In this closing section Paul mentions many of his "Apostolic Helpers.' His is not a one-man show; God has utilized a bunch of helpers for Paul. Some of them we know something about, some we know almost nothing. Let's discover together.
Sun, Nov 28, 2021
Passage: Acts 1:12-26
Series: Acts
Duration: 51 mins 57 secs
Led by Peter, the disciples choose a replacement for Judas, the betrayer of Jesus. This is accomplished through prophetic mandates and the casting of lots. To us it seems like a strange way to secure the foundation of the Church, but God ...
Sun, Nov 28, 2021
Duration: 29 mins 3 secs
In this contest of "braggarts" Paul turns the tables on the "super Apostles" and demonstrates that the real power of God is only made manifest through human frailty, not the power of a man.
Sun, Nov 21, 2021
Passage: Acts 1:1-5
Series: Acts
Duration: 52 mins 28 secs
This introduction to the book of Acts will provide enough background information from which to better understand the book as we progress through it.
Sun, Nov 21, 2021
Duration: 48 mins 59 secs
In his arguments against the "Super Apostles" in Corinth, Paul now recounts his experience with visions and revelations given him in contrast to the ones the super apostles bragged about.
Wed, Nov 10, 2021
Series: Colossians
Duration: 52 mins 48 secs
Continuing his guidelines for the effective Cristian life, Paul covers the role of prayer and Christian witness.
Sun, Nov 07, 2021
Duration: 45 mins 11 secs
Paul engages the audience in some "foolish" talking. It is the same foolishness the false apostles are engaged in, so his points are sheer irony. What can we learn from this to move our own discipleship process along?
Wed, Nov 03, 2021
Series: Colossians
Duration: 55 mins 3 secs
Paul has given us a foundation in the first three chapters to form the foundation of the rules for a civil society. This is our study today, the rules for a civil family, and a civil society. Civil meaning in accordance with the rules for the Kingdom of God.
Sun, Oct 31, 2021
Passage: Jude 1:24-25
Series: Jude
Duration: 48 mins
Jude closes his short book with a Doxology - a glorious saying about God. Let's look closely at it because it is rich in theology.
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