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Wed, Aug 11, 2021
Series: Colossians
Duration: 52 mins 48 secs
This is magnificent passage. Paul begins reflecting on the benefits that accrue to the Christian through the grace of the Father and the sacrifice of the Son, guaranteed by the Spirit.
Sun, Aug 08, 2021
Passage: Ruth 1:19-22
Series: Ruth
Duration: 1 hr 5 mins 54 secs
In returning to Bethlehem Naomi is greeted by old friends. Their conversation as recorded here gives us quite a lesson about the Person and Nature of the One True God.
Sun, Aug 08, 2021
Duration: 53 mins 17 secs
Following his teaching on the ministry of reconciliation, Paul speaks of the importance of living a holy life so that the message is not compromised by bad behavior.
Wed, Aug 04, 2021
Series: Colossians
Duration: 49 mins 30 secs
Paul usually begins his letters to the churches with thanksgiving and commendation. Then he prays for the church. In this lesson we will examine his top priority in praying for this church.
Sun, Aug 01, 2021
Passage: Ruth 1:6-18
Series: Ruth
Duration: 50 mins 10 secs
Naomi, Ruth, and Orpah pack their bags and head out for Bethlehem in Judah. At the crossing of the Jordan River (maybe), Naomi reconsiders and encourages the young women to turn around and go back home. What would you do?
Sun, Aug 01, 2021
Duration: 54 mins 59 secs
Recently, Paul talked about "this treasure in jars of clay" (4:7). In these verses he explains the purpose to this treasure in jars of clay; it is that the jars os clay (Christians) are given the ministry of reconciliation. We are to facilitate reconciling people to God.
Wed, Jul 28, 2021
Series: Colossians
Duration: 1 hr 59 mins 44 secs
An introduction to the book of Colossians, the city, the people, the Apostle. We will discuss the relationship between this church and the Apostle Paul.
Sun, Jul 25, 2021
Passage: Ruth 1:1-9
Series: Ruth
Duration: 55 mins 16 secs
The Providence of God guarantees the Decree of God. We discuss several questions related to decisions by Naomi and her family in this opening section of Ruth. Some are questions we might ask about our own lives. Tune in for this discussion.
Sun, Jul 25, 2021
Duration: 32 mins 27 secs
Paul continues the discussion comparing this earthly life and body with the life and body to come. Nothing on earth can compare to the Life and Home God has prepared for us beyond this earth.
Wed, Jul 21, 2021
Series: Esther
Duration: 51 mins 2 secs
This is our closing study in Esther. This is all about Conflict Resolution, but probably not the way most of would choose to resolve our conflicts. God preserves His people; He is the God of the Covenant.
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