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Sun, Jul 18, 2021
Series: Judges
Duration: 50 mins 41 secs
There is a war between the tribes. Today we look at the circumstances of this war, and the outcome. War is ugly, and when it is between brothers it is uglier. One tribe in Israel in nearly wiped out because of sin in the camp.
Sun, Jul 18, 2021
Duration: 44 mins 44 secs
The Treasure in Jars of Clay is the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ. The jars of clay are the messengers of the gospel. Why would God put His most glorious treasure in such frail containers? This is our discussion today.
Wed, Jul 14, 2021
Series: Esther
Duration: 53 mins 48 secs
Even though the name of God is never mentioned in the book of Esther, His hand of Providence is clearly portrayed. In this passage we see God working behind the scenes in several "coincidences" to save His people.
Sun, Jul 11, 2021
Series: Judges
Duration: 1 hr 4 mins 24 secs
The last story in the Book of Judges highlights the immorality of this period. Although the events described here were by no means typical, that they happened is problematic with the people of God. It plays out in four "Acts", we cover the first two in this section.
Sun, Jul 11, 2021
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 37 secs
You would not think the Apostle Paul would have to defend his integrity to this congregation, but he does. His approach to ministry, to life, is an example for all of us. Is the glory of the gospel veiled in your life due to either ignorance or rebellion? Check it out.
Sun, Jun 27, 2021
Series: Judges
Duration: 1 hr 0 mins 59 secs
The last two stories in the Book of Judges portray the culture in Israel during the period of the Judges. This story give us a picture of the idolatry during this period. A Levite is looking for work, probably because the people have reduced their tithes. This makes for trouble.
Sun, Jun 27, 2021
Duration: 34 mins 36 secs
Paul contrasts the fading glory of the Old Covenant, the Mosaic System, with the everlasting glory of the New Covenant. The fundamental difference is the working of the Spirit of God to enable the Believer in Jesus to love and obey the Law.
Wed, Jun 23, 2021
Series: Esther
Duration: 59 mins 15 secs
Because of his hatred for Mordecai, Haman makes a plan to "destroy, to kill, and annihilate all Jews, young and old, women and children, in one day, ... and to plunder their goods." In this passage, the edict is issued throughout the Empire.
Sun, Jun 20, 2021
Duration: 50 mins 47 secs
The knowledge of God; the knowledge about God, His character, His Being, is the primary thing we need to learn. Everything else is secondary. Here we learn this knowledge has fragrance, and Christ has an aroma to God. You're going to love this.
Wed, Jun 16, 2021
Series: Esther
Duration: 55 mins 31 secs
We are introduced to Haman (the Bad Guy), who is an extreme anti-Semite. Why does he hate the Jews so much? Discover that in this lesson.
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