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Wed, Apr 21, 2021
Series: Nehemiah
Duration: 45 mins 36 secs
Nehemiah faced International Intrigue and "Deep State"deception long ago. It seems the efforts of The Accuser have not changed that much through the millennia. Let's examine how Nehemiah frustrated this.
Sun, Apr 18, 2021
Series: Judges
Duration: 45 mins 12 secs
Gideon's army is stripped from 32,000 men to 300, against 135,000. These two chapters chronicle the building of his army, the war, and the sad ending forty years later.
Sun, Apr 18, 2021
Duration: 52 mins 8 secs
One of the most mysterious passages in the Bible, in my opinion. Mysterious, not because of what Paul says, but because of what he doesn't say.
Wed, Apr 14, 2021
Series: Nehemiah
Duration: 1 hr 2 mins 48 secs
In this chapter Nehemiah is drawn into some social issues that have plagued every society since the dawn of civilization. Nehemiah calls for restoring the principles of Law and Order, returning to the ideals of their foundation.
Sun, Apr 11, 2021
Series: Judges
Duration: 56 mins 15 secs
Gideon faces another challenge from God. Tear down the altar fo Baal and prepare for battle. Not surprisingly, Gideon would like some confirmation before launching out.
Sun, Apr 11, 2021
Duration: 35 mins 25 secs
Continuing his arguments for the resurrection, Paul now uses an argument from personal experience. The "baptism for the dead" isn't the most important idea in this passage.
Wed, Apr 07, 2021
Series: Nehemiah
Duration: 57 mins 52 secs
With the work on the walls progressing, Nehemiah has to stand against the opposition from without, and the struggles and discouragement from within. He proves to be a capable leader.
Sun, Apr 04, 2021
Duration: 50 mins 58 secs
God was not surprised when Jesus was unjustly condemned and put to death. Jesus lived, died, was buried, and resurrected according to the Sovereign plan of God. The resurrection is the guarantee of all of the promises of God.
Wed, Mar 31, 2021
Series: Nehemiah
Duration: 54 mins 16 secs
This is the list of, and some history of, the volunteers who begin the work to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem.
Sun, Mar 28, 2021
Passage: Judges 6:1-27
Series: Judges
Duration: 47 mins 31 secs
Gideon has a very strange encounter. Here we learn who Gideon is, in his estimation, and in God's estimation.
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