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Wed, Jun 24, 2020
Passage: Mark 11:12-21
Series: Mark
Duration: 54 mins 36 secs
Have you ever wondered why Mark "sandwiched" the cleansing of the temple between two episodes of the Fig Tree? I have. Let's explore that question.
Sun, Jun 21, 2020
Duration: 43 mins 52 secs
The church in Corinth had not infiltrated the world, rather, the world had infiltrated the church. This is an introduction to the culture of that city, and Paul's letter to them.
Sun, Jun 21, 2020
Series: Romans
Duration: 1 hr 2 mins 2 secs
In any discussion of the so-called Christian Liberty, we must preface our remarks with an understanding of Biblical Love a la Romans 12:3 and Romans13:8.
Wed, Jun 17, 2020
Series: Mark
Duration: 54 mins 7 secs
To rightly understand the so-called Triumphal Entry, we have to back up a couple of days. For this we will look at John's gospel to set the stage.
Sun, Jun 14, 2020
Series: Romans
Duration: 48 mins 28 secs
In the context of discipleship, Paul teaches us that the perfect Law of God is fulfilled in us when we express the love of God toward one another. Whether we are the victims, or have been the victimizer, our responsibility before God is to love.
Wed, Jun 10, 2020
Series: Mark
Duration: 51 mins 23 secs
The last healing miracle miracle recorded in Mark, Jesus heals Bartimaeus, the blind man. Strange, how a blind man could recognize Jesus as the Messiah. Join us for this unique healing.
Sun, Jun 07, 2020
Passage: Romans 13:1-7
Series: Romans
Duration: 50 mins 37 secs
Pastor John gives a detailed exposition of this passage that is most likely different than any heard before (unless you have been with us for a while). Because the United States of America is unlike any Nation in history, this passage is understood differently.
Wed, Jun 03, 2020
Passage: Mark 10:41-45
Series: Mark
Duration: 43 mins 55 secs
It seems, to us, that the disciples just don't get it. Who is the greatest in the Kingdom? Here we go again.
Sun, May 31, 2020
Series: Romans
Duration: 50 mins 24 secs
These verses present what the normal Christian life should look like. Why is it so hard?
Sun, May 24, 2020
Series: Romans
Duration: 1 hr 3 mins 14 secs
Because we wear the name of God, He has legitimate expectations of how we conduct our lives. The transformation of the mind will produce the character to actually live out these expectations.
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