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Sun, Feb 09, 2020
Passage: Romans 9:1-5
Series: Romans
Duration: 44 mins 49 secs
In these verses Paul states the thesis he will develop in chapters 9, 10, and 11. These chapters show us the plan of God in Redemptive History for both Israel and the Gentiles.
Sun, Feb 02, 2020
Series: Romans
Duration: 31 mins 47 secs
Paul concludes the book to this point with this passage which is known and loved by so many. Explore the assurance of God's love in these verses.
Sun, Feb 02, 2020
Series: 1 Peter
Duration: 38 mins 48 secs
Peter states the case that believers in Jesus Christ will be persecuted in this life. But, "the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you."
Wed, Jan 29, 2020
Series: Mark
Duration: 50 mins 49 secs
Jesus sends out the Twelve on their first short-term Missionary Journey.
Sun, Jan 26, 2020
Series: Romans
Duration: 1 hr 11 mins 17 secs
Called, Foreknown, Predestined, Justified, Glorified -- what does this mean? Does everything really work together for good?
Sun, Jan 26, 2020
Series: 1 Peter
Two Thousand years ago the Apostle Peter said the end of all things is near. Was he wrong? What did he mean?
Wed, Jan 22, 2020
Series: Mark
Duration: 42 mins 13 secs
This is the record of Jesus going home to Nazareth, where He astonished the crowd with wisdom, but they reject Him as Messiah.
Sun, Jan 19, 2020
Passage: 1 Peter 4:1-6
Series: 1 Peter
Duration: 33 mins 55 secs
Continuing from last week, what does Peter mean "ceased from sin"? And who are the dead in verse 6?
Sun, Jan 19, 2020
Series: Romans
Duration: 42 mins 46 secs
Paul has been thinking. What will it be like when all creation is restored, and how does that affect my today?
Wed, Jan 15, 2020
Passage: Mark 5:21-43
Series: Mark
Duration: 54 mins 21 secs
In this episode Jesus heals a hemorrhaging woman, and gives life to a young girl. We will consider the personal touches in each case. This is amazing grace!
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