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Sun, Dec 17, 2023
Series: Revelation
Duration: 52 mins 30 secs
Finally!! We arrive at the point where the worldly systems in rebellion against God are going DOWN. This is pure good news from here on out, for the believers, not for the unbelievers.
Sun, Dec 17, 2023
Duration: 50 mins 38 secs
What is the shame of the Cross spoken of in Hebrews 12: 2? Today we explore at least one aspect of that in line with this Christmas series.The shame of the Cross is related to, but dissimilar to the shame of Nazareth and of Bethlehem - it is more personal for us.
Sun, Dec 10, 2023
Series: Revelation
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 28 secs
"Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!" Is this the city of Babylon rebuilt, or is it something else. Are there Christians on earth at the time? What is going on, and when does this happen? Let's dig in!
Sun, Dec 10, 2023
Duration: 47 mins 49 secs
What shame could there be on Jesus from Bethlehem? He was just less than two years old when they left. Only Joseph and Mary knew of the coming disaster, God did not tell all of the parents what was coming. How does this affect them? Let's explore this.
Sun, Dec 03, 2023
Series: Revelation
Duration: 51 mins 12 secs
With the last of the Bowl judgments comes the destruction of the great prostitute and the beast. In the midst of gross immorality and idolatry we still see God has a purpose, and it will be worked out.
Sun, Dec 03, 2023
Duration: 53 mins 6 secs
Have you ever considered what an unexpected and unexplainable pregnancy did to Mary, Joseph, and their respective parents? This is a possible scenario.
Wed, Nov 29, 2023
Series: 1 Timothy
Duration: 57 mins 29 secs
Paul closes this letter to Timothy with an encouragement to keep the course, fight the good fight of the faith. This implies that the Christian life in general, and Christian Ministry in particular is fraught with cultural obstacles.
Sun, Nov 26, 2023
Series: Revelation
Duration: 1 hr 12 mins 21 secs
The Seven Bowl judgments bring the fullness and finality of the wrath of God against a stubborn and perverse world. These are terrifying, and horrific beyond anything the world has ever experienced in all of human history. Let's examine this and ask some tough theological questions.
Sun, Nov 26, 2023
Passage: James 5:13-20
Series: James
Duration: 44 mins 26 secs
In this final passage in James we are instructed how to pray for one another. Some are suffering, some are cheerful, some are weary. In each case there is a different process for the health of the church. Let's examine this together.
Sun, Nov 19, 2023
Passage: James 5:12
Series: James
Duration: 38 mins 50 secs
Yet another caution n how we are to guard our speech. It appears James had heard enough careless speech that he had to say something.
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