Olivet Discourse

Olivet Discourse

Jul 2024 - Aug 2024

A study of Matthew chapters 24 & 25; how did the Disciples understand the last days according to this discourse with Jesus? This is our probe.

Sermons in this series
Sun, Aug 25, 2024
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 12 secs
Chapter 25 of Matthew is the conclusion of the Olivet Discourse. Here The Lord Jesus illustrates by way of 3 parables the conclusion to the question,"What will be the sign of your coming, ..." This is what we should look for and how we should wait and watch as the days go on.
Sun, Aug 18, 2024
Duration: 55 mins 27 secs
I believe this marks the beginning of the discussion regarding the era of the Second Coming of Jesus.
Sun, Aug 11, 2024
Duration: 55 mins 1 sec
A review of Matthew 24:1-35 just to keep the context in mind.
Sun, Aug 04, 2024
Duration: 55 mins 59 secs
We are living in crazy times! Are these the Last Days? Many think so. The words of Jesus define the last days, so, what did He say? Let's examine the record.
Sun, Jul 28, 2024
Duration: 1 hr 59 mins 35 secs
Jesus spoke about the "Last Days." How will it all play out? Let's examine part of what the Scriptures record.
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